Online Vs. Land-Based Casinos

Online or land-based – that is the question! That’s something from Hamlet, right. Lol, no, but if Shakespeare lived today, he’d also find himself wondering which medium of endless fun to choose. Land-based casinos have been around for a long time, a really long time. Online casinos – not so much. They’ve only been available for some 20 years and that’s if you count the awkward thing in mid 90s for an online casino. I know, I know, the online gambling veterans out there wouldn’t give me the time of day after reading this but, honestly, if you’ve set foot in an online casino in the last couple of years, you wouldn’t call that old thing from the 90s an online casino, too.

rouletteAnyway, land-based casinos do have their advantages. I, personally, like takling a date to a posh casino and wowing her with my blackjack skills. It wouldn’t be the same if I just played on my iPad and was like “See? See, how I doubled down on that hand?” on our date, right? It would be rather rude. So, I put on a tux, pretend I’m James Bond and show off my girl all night. It doesn’t all come natural; sometimes I need to prepare. For example, I learnt how to shuffle my chips with this handy video. Then, we go spent all the money won on stupid, useless stuff. I do love to splurge and treat my dates well.

But, visiting a traditional casino is time-consuming and may really break the bank sometimes. Just getting there and being properly dressed, and all the commotion makes it not practical to do it too often. What’s too often, you might ask. Well, if you’re like me, you’d want to be able to play every day. Note that I said “be able to” – you see playing daily, for hours, might be classified as problem gaming, and I’m not advertising that, no way. But being able to play means that you have the opportunity and as a sane adult you can make your own choices and not be tied to only being able to play on a Friday night, for example.

womanThere are other advantages to online casinos and, try as I might, I wouldn’t be able to list them all in a single post. Comfort surely comes first but then, there’re re the lower betting limits. At an online casino, you don’t need to have a fat sum of money at hand in order to play. You surely can bet big but the good thing is that you don’t have to. And then, there are the bonuses! You’ll get a bonus just for signing up for a site and oftentimes there are no deposit bonuses as well. Wait, did you get that? You’ll get money just for registering at a site and that money would not only give you a chance to play but you could actually make a profit that you’d be able to cash out. There are a bunch of wagering requirements to consider, of course, but I’ll tell you all about what you need to pay attention to in another post.

So, you see that though both land-based and online casinos have their positives, the latter offers you more freedom and more choices. Besides, who said you couldn’t have both?